'I want, I don't want' is the mantra of despair.
'How can I help you?' is the mantra of happiness.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
8. februar 2009, BodhGaya -
V BodhGayi sem bila le en dan, vendar sem spoznala tri zanimive ljudi. Eden izmed njih je Edan, gospod srednjih let iz Škotske. Vodi več projektov v okoliških vaseh. Osebno plačuje 16 učiteljev. Indija ima šole, vendar država ne plačuje učiteljev. Pogosto so šole nekakovostne, zato se otroci raje potikajo po ulicah, beračijo, prodajajo na ulici, delajo,...
Bringing hope and health and happiness to one of the poorest parts of rural India
Bihar is one of the very poorest states in India. It is feudal. It has a high level of illiterateracy. And of all its desperately poor districts - the district of Bodhgaya is the poorest.
Bodhgaya, which is the site of the tree where the Buddha came to enlightenment, is the focus of the activities of The Schools and Skills Foundation - India.
We have a highly dedicated and experienced local team who are implementing a range of very down to earth, practical initiatives that are bringing real hope and health and happiness to some desperately needy children and young women.
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